Friday, July 13, 2007

Blogger - How to put Google Adsense after a post

This seems like a fairly simple task for anyone with a slight bit of html knowledge, however when the adsense code is placed after the post tag, it dosent show up. This is due to part of the adsense code. What you need to do is the following:
1 Get your adsense code
2 Now you will need to locate the following code

<div class='post-body'>

in Template > Edit HTML (remember to click on 'expand widget templates').

3. Now paste your google code after the end
4. You will need to remove the following google code in blue

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
your adsense code
<script type="text/javascript"

And thats how you do it.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Blogger - How to put Google Adsense after a post

This seems like a fairly simple task for anyone with a slight bit of html knowledge, however when the adsense code is placed after the post tag, it dosent show up. This is due to part of the adsense code. What you need to do is the following:
1 Get your adsense code
2 Now you will need to locate the following code

<div class='post-body'>

in Template > Edit HTML (remember to click on 'expand widget templates').

3. Now paste your google code after the end
4. You will need to remove the following google code in blue

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
your adsense code
<script type="text/javascript"

And thats how you do it.

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